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Ernst Neuschul 1958

Ernst Neuschul 1958

Fireworks at St Peter's

Fireworks at St Peter's

William Winter (Canada)

Robert Lenkiewicz

Robert Lenkiewicz

Frederick George Wills

Frederick George Wills

Rhoda Carr

Rhoda Carr

Back street Salford

Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown


Frederick George Wills

Frederick George Wills

David Eustace

David Eustace

Fatal Attraction

David Eustace

David Eustace

Free Spirit

Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown




William Winter (Canada)

William Winter (Canada) 1909 - 1996

William Winter (Canada) 1909 - 1996

James Fry

James Fry

Cornwall C20th

Cornwall C20th

Clifford Hall

Clifford Hall

Ronald Jesty 1926 - 2016

Avril Henry

Avril Henry

Interior with figure c.1950

John Kerkin Broad

John Kerkin Broad

Ronald Jesty 1926 - 2016

Arlie Panting

Arlie Panting

Alfred Stockham

Alfred Stockham

Boat and cloud

Ronald Jesty 1926 - 2016

Ronald Jesty 1926 - 2016

Ronald Jesty 1926 - 2016

Ronald Jesty 1926 - 2016

Ronald Jesty nude £500

Ronald Jesty 1926 - 2016

Ronald Jesty

Ronald Jesty

Ronald Jesty

Ronald Jesty

Ronald Jesty

Arlie Panting 1914 - 1994

Arlie Panting 1914 - 1994

Adam and Eve

Frederick George wills

Frederick George wills

New York

New York

Alexander MacFaul

La Rochelle

La Rochelle

F Claude

Morston Creek

Morston Creek

F L Cramphorn

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